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The Tradition. The Legacy.


Charles "Kelly" Kellenbarger - OSU Flight Club Advisor, 1960

Built on Tradition.

The Flight Team has been part of the Ohio State tradition for over 30 years. Ohio State started with a Flight Club in the 1950s and competed in the National Intercollegiate Flight Competitions. Ohio State hosted the 1960 NIFA SAFECON, the first of many. The Club competed in 1960 and 1961 at Texas A&M. They operated a Cessna 120, N89611. After being dormant for some time after, the team was re-energized in the early 1980s. That team, reborn and run by Glenn McConnell, Scott van Ooyen, Rob Numbers, Dale Gelter, Stacy Weislogel, Richard Taylor, and others, started the tradition that has continued to this day. 

​Ohio State has produced several National Top Pilots, many Regional Top Pilots, and countless event champions. The tradition of excellence was born; the legacy continues.

How to Become a Flight Team Competitor

Any Ohio State student is welcome to join the Flight Team, aviation major or not. Recruiting begins prior to each competition season (fall & winter). The team will canvas aviation classes and host an Informational Meeting. Following this meeting, the team typically meets for a few hours each Saturday (Sundays on football games, of course). Regionals (Fall SAFECON competition) has a 3-week tryout period where you can learn the basics each event. Nationals (Spring SAFECON competition) has a 6-week tryout period. Team members are then selected by the coaching staff based on performance, dedication, and attitude. The selected traveling team will then represent the Buckeyes at each competition. For more information, contact us through our social media, email, or information sign-up form in the CONNECT page.

2024 Competition Team

Bryn Barr

Caleb Foote

Case McIntyre

Charlie Jacobs

Ethan Ross

Fengning Liu

Grace Read

Grant Germann

Joe Waxman

Mark Mestre

Miles Aronovitz

Nico Clayton

Ryan Plaskoff

Walter Jimenez

Zachary Hahn

Head Coach:

Nick Mortensen

Supporting Staff

OSU Aviation Leadership:

  • D. Blake Stringer, Director Center for Aviation Studies

  • Karl Von Hagel, Director Ohio State Airport

  • Brandon Mann, Director Flight Education


  • John Ginley

Alumni Coaching Staff:

  • Rob Numbers - Navigation

  • Scott van Ooyen - Preflight, Landings

  • Ally Ginley - Preflight, Landings

  • Tia Schiaretta - Sim

  • Anastasia Rogachevsky - SCAN

  • Junn Shimizu - Aircraft Rec.

  • Mike Sterling - CRM/IFR, Landings

  • Mason Clouse - Navigation, Landings

... and the support of many other alumni and instructors.

The Ohio State University
Flight Team


The Ohio State University Airport

Flight Education

2160 West Case Road

Columbus, OH 43235

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